Monday, January 5, 2015

A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Years

I hope y'all had an amazing New Years! It's hard to believe it's already 2015. The year I turn 18. The year I go to college. 2014 was an amazing year and I know 2015 will only be better! For Christmas, my family had a huge party! Brazilians celebrate Christmas on Christmas eve so we had the whole family over and Santa even came over.
The whole family.

Germany and me.

The entire extended family.
We ate dinner around ten and opened presents at midnight. It was a wonderful night and I got many awesome presents from my generous family.

Next was New Years eve! It's tradition to wear white for a new start (I think...) and what color your underwear is is what you're wishing for in the New Year. We drank champagne and watched fireworks.

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Years! Tchau! 

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